Put on my baseball shirt to go shopping. At the super, I get asked approximately five times if I'm finding everything all right. I smile and say, Yes, thank you. People pass me with their trolleys, Excuse me, oh sorry, thank you, no problem! At the checkout, the bag guy (yes, we have people bagging our groceries here, I was thrilled to find out!) screams that he loves my pants, we chat about cars, he asks me if I found everything all right. I smile. The cashier interrupts; Did you find everything all right, miss? Yes, thank you! I nod and smile. The bag guy asks if I need any help out today, I smile and say No thanks, I'm good! He smiles and says, great! Have a great day! I smile and say, you too! The cashier says Thank you for shopping with us, enjoy your evening! I smile and say Thanks, enjoy yours too! Do you want me to take the trolley for you miss? Says the bag guy, I smile and say Thank you! We all wave and smile at eachother. I walk home with my brown paper bag with no handles.
Now I'm making chocolate cake! Woooo! I smile and say bye.
Ps I'll give you the recipe later, it's a bloody good chocolate cake. Thank you!
My favorite cake is chocolate cake....Good!!
When I don't have a good day i always eat a chocolate it help me to smile...
Buona giornata!!!
You have to make this one then! No sugar, gluten or milk, but the good taste of a "real" choco cake:) I'll put it up in a bit!
I baked appelcake tonight <3 happy weekend girlfriend
Mmmm haven't had one in ages since nothing beats my mom's applecake;) happy weekend to you too!
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